Thursday, July 31, 2008

what is waterstick!!

The watersticks are truly amazing, made from hand- blown glass with a bulbous bottom and a hook at the top. They can be used in the bath or put them into a jug of water to energise it. Another way of using them is to hang them in any space that you feel drawn to and this will help to bring the energy of that equilibrium combination into your space. Masaru Emoto has published some books on water, one of which is called Messages from Water. Different experiments were done with frozen water crystals that had been subjected to different situations and words. Photos of some of the water crystals that were created in the water that contained the Water sticks have been taken and it is interesting to see that the water crystals from the different bottles have different patterns.
The Water sticks contain the equivalent of a 25ml bottle of liquid within them and can be made up of any colour combination within the 105 bottles in the range. This is a very supportive tool as not only are we rehydrating our bodies with water but we are also supporting ourselves energetically with the bottle that we are feeling drawn to at that point in time. They help to change the molecular structure of water.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

introducing Aura-Soma

Introducing Aura-Soma
The AURA-SOMA® system provides you with a way of accessing your self

AURA-SOMA® is colour for everyone. A non-intrusive and self-selective system in which colour is the key. It is an ancient knowledge that has been refound and revitalised into a living system easily accessible to all. At this pivotal point in history, AURA-SOMA® speaks to you through 105 beautiful bottles of rainbow coloured oils, special essences, pomanders and quintessences.

AURA-SOMA® is a system that brings you closer to the understanding of yourself. It uses the visual and non-visual energies of colour, it uses the energies of herbs from essential oils and herbal extracts and it uses the energies of crystals and gems.

AURA-SOMA® can help improve your spiritual well being, moving you toward a deeper understanding of y ourself. AURA-SOMA® enables you to be in touch with the essence of yourself that always reflects your inner beauty. When you have made contact with this inner source it also has an effect upon the outer aspects of yourself. To bring inner beauty out, to reflect your positive gifts and talents, to help you to be in touch with why you are here and what you are here for.

"The Language of Colour". Through consultation and the application of colour this "Window of the Soul" approach reveals aspects of yourself in a form that you can begin to understand and accept. "You are the colours you choose". The colours you chose will reflect the needs that lie hidden within. Your colour choice will help you to recognise these needs at a deep level. Through its use and application the system opens levels of communication between the self and the soul. Your chosen colours have the capacity to support you in a deeper understanding of your "soul" selves, past, present and to come.

Through the wave-lengths of colour you are given clues to becoming self empowered and you will discover that you really can create your own future. AURA-SOMA® invite you to discover the amazing system and in so doing find a route to discovering your true self. In love and light.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Aura-Soma course Oct @Van

Aura-Soma class
10/10 Aura-Soma shareing day
10/18-10/23 Aura-Soma Level One
10/11-1016 Aura-Soma level two

10/25, 10/26 AuraJin level one

for more information please contact Susan 604-767-8080

Aura-Soma class Oct@Van

Aura-Soma class @ Van

10/10 Aura-Soma Sharing Day

10/18-10/23 Aura-Soma Level One

10/11-10/16 Aura-Soma level Two

10/25, 10/26 AuraJin level One

10/11, 10/13 Numerology level one
10/18, 10/19 Numerology level two

for more information please contact Susan 604-767-8080

What is Aurajin??

Aurajin Level 1 Course Description
and “What is Aurajin”

AURAJIN-Color Energy & Number Vibration

AURAJIN - Recognizing Spirit in Matter is the synthesis of Aura-Soma color and the 26 numbered body points of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. Aurajin is the study and application of Color Energy and Number Vibration. Color Energy is the key to understanding and accessing universal wisdom and Number Vibration brings color energy into form making color available now to assist in the evolution of life on this planet. We will learn to hear the song of the self and see the garden of who we are.

Aurajin as a practice teaches the portal location of each of the 26 number vibrations on the body. The Aurajin Practiners Training identifies and applies the color signatures resonating with each “portal” location. We will learn to use the colors and numbers to affect our physicality. We will learn to see and apply the relationships with the Chinese Meridians, the Tree of Life, the Tarot cards. astrological symbols and philosophical messages.

Each portal resides on a specific Chinese Meridian. Each of these merdians builds the body and transforms energy. Each expresses itself through personal attitudes, color preference and number signatures. In Aurajin Level 2 we will create series of flows using the clients self selection to identify, access and harmonize the meridians.

In Aurajin we learn to identify what the body/being is saying. Through the signatures of color and numbers, the practioner will create a session using the hands and the Aura-Soma Beamer Light Pen to access and modify energy thus bringing into balance the human system.

The Aura-Soma Practioner has understanding of color and the principles of resonance. Now Aurajin presents a way to apply this color vibration directly to the physicality .

The goal of practicing Aurajin is to “Remember Yourself.”As with Aura-Soma the practice rests upon the principles of non intrusiveness , self selection and compassion. The intention of Aurajin is to engage our physicality and utilize the whole of our being as the vechile of manifestation here upon planet earth.

Join us to explore the body from a consciousness point of view. This hands-on course will examine universal principles of color and number as they are expressed and reflected within our body, mind and spirit. Aura-Soma and Jin Shin hold answers to the age old questions "Who Am I?" and "Why Am I Here?" Your experience of the body, color and number will never be the same again! This Aurajin course is the first 3 days of the Aurajin Practioners Program training. The final course is 5 days.
Course Content
• In Depth study of Numbers
• Exploration of the colors and sequence of Aura-Soma
Equilibrium and, their relationship and use with the 26 numbered energy points of
Jin Shin Jyutsu®.
• Explore the archetypes of Numerology, Astrology and the Tree of Life
within the Body as the Microcosm
• How to use the Aura-Soma Light pen with Aurajin.
• Using touch and breath to awaken to the energy of the body.
• Hands-on experience of Aura-Soma Equilibrium and the energy points
through simple exercises
• Learn to develop hands on energy sequences applying color to the body
Upon completion of the 3 DayAurajin Level 1 course students will receive an Aurajin Certificate of Attendence and an ASIACT Renewal Certificate.
Upon completion of the Aurajin Practioners Program (Level 1 - 3 day & Level 2- 5 day = 8 day Aurajin Practioner Training students will receive an Aurajin Practicing Certificate as well as receive an ASIACT Renewal Certificate and the Aurajin Practioner will be able to offer Aurajin sessions to the public.

Course taught byCarol Klesow, creator of Aurajin-Recognizing Spirit in Matter the book and The Aurajin Practioners Certificate Program.

The history of Aura-Soma

rainbow healing garden , the history of Aura-Soma

Vicky Wall

The word Aura comes from the Latin meaning: akin to air, a slight breath, vapour or shimmer. Soma is the ancient Greek word for "body", while in ancient Sanskrit it designates a mysterious drink that transports the soul into a Divine ecstasy. When the two words are combined, they set up a very different and specific vibration, as both concepts, aura and soma have essentially deeper meaning inherent in them.In 1984 the name AURA-SOMA® and the vision of its creation, was bestowed upon Vicky Wall. In a series of re-occurring meditative visions - Vicky was given the same message repeatedly - she was told to "go and divide the waters".Vicky, a practicing chiropodist, pharmacist and herbalist was 66 years of age and clinically blind. She had no idea what she was doing when she found her self in her small laboratory and formulating a mixture comprising different layers and colours of the most natural ingredients she could find. This marked the birth of 'Equilibrium' . Vicky later reported - "that other hands had guided her own" - she could see neither the beautiful jewels she had spontaneously and inspirationally created nor their possible intended purpose. Even more bewildering to her was the resonant power she felt emanating from them, as they radiated in the sunlight of the following morning - clearly revealing two distinctly separate and different layers. Thousands of Vickys' clients were attracted to the 'Equilibrium' Bottles and this allowed her to build a body of solidly researched knowledge. Why did people choose certain bottles? What affect did the bottle/s have on their life after continued exposure to them? What were the individuals "life dynamics" before and after continued exposure to or use of the contents of certain bottles? Over a period of a few short years, this in depth analytical approach verified the answers to all these questions and more. With absolute certainty Vicky was able to comfirm the premise that "Colour speaks a language of Its own ". Mike Booth met Vicky in 1984 and from that date remained with her, as her constant companion and confidant. They travelled and taught together until her death in 1991. Since that time Mike has been responsible for the development of the wonderful AURA-SOMA® system, his efforts and dedication has brought AURA-SOMA® into the lives of many people. AURA-SOMA® attracts a growing global following with a system that satisfies some of the needs we are discovering in a profoundly changing.